Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Career project

In this project I learned all about Market research and the aspects on the job that may be less popular in my mind. I think I need to work on my math skills to be good at this job because you must deal with huge amounts of data. but I hope to stick with this job.

Friday, May 2, 2014

My Glogster Expierience

Glogster was a riveting site that produces magnificent results for young students and even teachers. it is highly useful and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to make a profound page that has the power to inspire people to be better. It could eventually re innovate the technological generation. I would really consider using this program in the future.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


SO the taxes I did were really hard because I just got frustrated  because they were stressful and I am not  excited to be apart of Paying uncle sam because I don't think I am ready to step into the real world yet and pay taxes and such it is just a lot work.

Monday, April 14, 2014

I liked making QR codes because it got me a ton of new twitter followers so that's pretty rad. Qr codes can be really helpful it can be an easy go to site that will be 10x more convenient than having to google  and search through all kinds of sites before finding the right one. QR codes are becoming very helpful in places like Rio De Janero where they are putting QR codes in the side walk to help tourist with directions. My QR code gives a link to my twitter profile so people can read and see what I'm all about and than i hope they will follow me back.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Using voice thread

I really liked all the options we had to comment whether it be art, voice, or comment. I didn't like how sometimes uploading would take a long time, and i don't think if i wast aught how to use it i would be able to because it is very complex program. I would use this for another project.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cyber bullying is a cowardly act, saying mean things behind a screen is so prevalent in today's society. Instead of face to face confrontation we result to saying things online, or posting hateful things about others. Suicide rates are going up happiness is going down but the world is still going around. What can one individual do to change this viscous cycle? It only takes one person to take a stand and do something.

Friday, February 28, 2014

My Excel experience was tremendously productive, it is a wonderful program and is revolutionizing the business world with its wonderful ingenuity. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a solution with using math on computers. I suggest you take classes on how to properly use Excel that way you can reach your maximum  potential. It will take some patience in the learning process but you must be okay with that or else you will not exceed the standards of the program.

Monday, February 10, 2014

my freshmen year tech 21 period 6

My freshmen year is going very well. I am enjoying the freedom that we are given compared to middle school, although with the freedom comes more responsibility. If you miss a day of work or an assignment than it is your job to take care of it not your teachers they are not there to baby sit you. The football team did okay this year but i just really enjoyed being with the team, towards the end of the season we all became good friends and got down to the fact that we are all trying to get to the same common goal. First semester I had 2 study halls because i dropped french. This is a decision i regret because study hall has way to much socializing that it was hard to complete work. But this was a learning experience.